Delivering Canada’s comparable health data
At CIHI, we know the difference data can make — especially when it comes to making critical decisions about Canada’s health systems.
We work with the federal, provincial and territorial governments to deliver comparable data and performance reports. We help decision-makers address our health systems’ most pressing problems — such as the need for more timely access to care and finding solutions to health workforce challenges.
Discover how our data and expertise lead to better health outcomes for Canadians.

The results are in
Below are frequently asked questions regarding Canada’s health systems that CIHI has comparative data on:
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Make a difference in health care with a career at CIHI
As a passionate professional with a desire to make an impact on health care, you know that the right data can make a difference — but only if the right people are analyzing it. Grow your career by helping us deliver data that focuses on the real issues facing our health systems.
We are recruiting for a wide range of positions. You can make a difference in the health outcomes of Canadians with a fulfilling career at CIHI.
See careers at CIHI